Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What's unforgivable?

I'm working on an idea for a message series and I'd like your thoughts. The base of the series would be launched from a message entitled "The Unforgivable Sin". Here's how you can help, what do you think the unforgivable sin is? Or, what sins do you think God refuses to forgive? Is there one, two, or none? Hope you post something, because I'd really like your thoughts! This could be my first internet collaborative message series!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chasing The Wild Goose

We are on the 2nd week of reading through "The Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson, as a church. Our family started chapter 2 last night "Coming out of the cage of responsibility". My favorite part of this chapter so far is the following statements. "Christ followers ought to be the most passionate people on the planet. Pursuing God-ordained passions isn't optional. It is an essential part of chasing the Wild Goose. And the adventure begins the moment we start pursuing a God-ordained passion."

So what's your "God-ordained passion"? It's ok if you don't know yet! Over the next few weeks, I believe that the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you, just be patient! If you do know what it is, then, what's holding you back? The next few weeks will reveal the cage(s) that have held you back and how to breakthrough them to begin to pursue the passion that God gave you.

What's your impression so far of the book? Leave a comment, join the conversation, chase the Wild Goose!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Together, we can!

I want to issue a challenge today. You know how we love to show God's kindness to our community in practical ways. Recently, we led two Egg Hunts in our neighborhoods and community. It was a step of faith for us to move away from the "big exciting" Texas Motor Speedway, to the "smaller, more intimate" setting of neighborhoods. It was still huge! Over 1600 people participated in our neighborhood Egg Hunts and we were able to partner with two local churches (one A/G, one baptist), a neighborhood association, and others in pulling off these "Acts of Kindness". We know that the kids and families were blessed because we got to talk to many of them. In fact, on Resurrection Sunday, we had seven visiting families! God is Good!

Now for the challenge. The Egg Hunts cost about a 1/3 of last year's budget, but we were unable to raise much in outside support for this outreach. We are already moving forward in our next outreach for Mother's Day in a little over a week. However, we still have a $600 bill that we need to pay, left over from the Egg Hunts.

In prayer, I felt that I should come to you, our New Day Family, Friends, and past supporters. The challenge was, that if only 30 individuals and families stepped forward and gave just $20, that the need would be met! 30 people is only 10% of my "friends" on facebook! Now, here's the cool part. We actually only need 28 people! Joni and I had already both committed, and in less than 24 hours of doing so, someone gave us $40 cash! I didn't tell them what we were doing, they just said the Lord told them to do it!

2 down, 28 to go for $20. Will you be one of those?

If you will be, please email me at and let me know it's on the way. You can mail it to:
New Day Church
PO Box 2116
Roanoke, Texas 76262

Or, if you prefer to give via your debit card or paypal account, then you can click here, and give securely online:

It's all tax deductible. Question. What if we go over? Then the overflow will go into upcoming outreaches and immediate needs, like Mother's Day, now that would be really exciting!!

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support.

Yours for the harvest,

Ricky Franklin
Lead Pastor
New Day Church

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Day, New Life, New Addition!

God does seems to like "new" doesn't He? The Lord has blessed us again in our foster care adventures. The same weekend the Giorgio's said goodbye to sweet Mallory, we said "hello" to Nirvanna (we're trying out "Anna" with a long "A" or Marie, her middle name). She is a 5 year old that is full of life! She also happens to be the sister of Nate, our 6 year old foster son who has been with us since September now. Speaking of Nate, many of you know he has been undergoing chemotherapy for a disease known as LCH, which is similar to cancer. The tumors have stopped growing and he has started growing! He had his last chemo treatment on Thursday, Praise God!

Anna came to us under different circumstances than Nate. Please pray with us for their mother that God will get ahold of her and rescue her. We believe in restoring these families, if possible, and we know that with God, all things are possible!

If you're counting, you realize that our five, plus Armondo, plus Nate & Anna, that means that there are eight kids in the house! Add Joni and I and it's a FULL house. The next thing you may say is, "how do they do it?". Simply, "grace". Grace is the supernatural ability to do what truth demands (John Bevere). James says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." It's the one time that religion is mentioned in a positive light in the Bible that I can find! We know that this life is not for everyone, yet, since Joni was a young girl herself, she has known that she would be involved in the life of "orphans". Yes, our "orphans" have biological parents, just not ones that are capable of raising their children at this time in their lives. Be praying with us that God will continue to pour out His grace upon our family and pray especially for Anna right now that He will reveal His love to her through our love for her.

Thanks for stopping by. If you ever would like to contribute, just send me an email to: Also, if you have a prayer request, send it to:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time Change! Spring Forward this weekend!

This Sunday is Spring Forward day!! Set your clocks FORWARD an hour before you go to sleep!! So if you go to bed at 10pm, move it to 11pm. (I gotta get in bed earlier this Saturday).

Also, we are kicking off "March Madness"! Bring your friends and family for a chance to win Dallas Maverick Tickets for your family! It's going to be a time of fun while we grow together.


Ricky Franklin
Lead Pastor
New Day Church

Monday, March 2, 2009

Esther Study

The ladies of New Day hosted 15 women today at the first Esther Bible Study! Here's the cool thing, about half aren't from New Day!! Way to go Kim (10am) and Cheryl (7pm). It's not too late to join them! However, if you plan to jump in, call Joni, Kim, or Cheryl to order a your homework book!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Facebook friends & family.

Welcome friends and family from FaceBook! Feel free to join in the conversation, leave a comment, or just say "hi". Make sure you read the missionary story a couple of posts below, it's really a powerful testimony of God's grace.