Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chasing The Wild Goose

We are on the 2nd week of reading through "The Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson, as a church. Our family started chapter 2 last night "Coming out of the cage of responsibility". My favorite part of this chapter so far is the following statements. "Christ followers ought to be the most passionate people on the planet. Pursuing God-ordained passions isn't optional. It is an essential part of chasing the Wild Goose. And the adventure begins the moment we start pursuing a God-ordained passion."

So what's your "God-ordained passion"? It's ok if you don't know yet! Over the next few weeks, I believe that the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you, just be patient! If you do know what it is, then, what's holding you back? The next few weeks will reveal the cage(s) that have held you back and how to breakthrough them to begin to pursue the passion that God gave you.

What's your impression so far of the book? Leave a comment, join the conversation, chase the Wild Goose!

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