Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Additions

Getting something new is always fun and exciting.  I have a friend who recently bought an iPhone 3G.  He went on the day of the release, but was disappointed when he found out they were all sold out by 10am!  He ordered one from the AT&T store and had to wait 13 days for it to arrive.  He, of course, called me and rubbed it in that he got it.  I admit I have been a bit jealous.  But, lately, I've been realizing that it's just another thing.  Will I get one? Eventually, I'm sure.

Something else new has captured my attention.  It's not shiny and it's not the latest, greatest, man toy that everyone has to have.  It's actually small, squirmy, and causes loss of sleep.  Yes, the Franklin family has gone over the edge and fostered a five month old preemie. Chloe came to us yesterday and is cute as a button. She came directly from the hospital to us.  I'm sure I'll make future comments about this new addition to our family.

However, today, I realize again that it's not the stuff you accumulate in your life that brings fulfillment, it's the people that God brings into your life that matter.

Welcome, Chloe, may your days be filled with laughter and joy as you discover your Father's purpose and plan for your life.

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