Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What's unforgivable?

I'm working on an idea for a message series and I'd like your thoughts. The base of the series would be launched from a message entitled "The Unforgivable Sin". Here's how you can help, what do you think the unforgivable sin is? Or, what sins do you think God refuses to forgive? Is there one, two, or none? Hope you post something, because I'd really like your thoughts! This could be my first internet collaborative message series!


Rob Howd said...

This is simple. While as humans we love to put a price tag on sin, so to speak, God does not! A sin is an act that is unpleasing to God. This word "sin" refers to all that is unpleasing to God. Ergo the word "sin" can not be split into categories i.e. "forgivable" and or "unforgivable." No, "sin" is "sin" and a spade a spade! Rest assure that Jesus died for ALL our sins- past, present, and future...ALL our sins...Thank you Lord!

Anonymous said...

A bit of googling and I came across your blog. You know how that goes.... And the questions intrigued me. With the age of this original post I suspect you've moved on topic wise, but nonetheless I felt inclined to drop a couple pennies in the bit bucket.... for what they're worth.

Unforgivable. We as humans are not able to place ourselves into the same role as God. Our minds, regardless of their wildly imaginative capabilities, can simply not comprehend his position. But I have a guess, a hypothesis if you will:

God is simply incapable of limits. It's easy, within the limits of our minds and souls, to wrap ourselves around some top level worst of the worst notion. A Husband considers the worst thing his wife could do to perhaps be infidelity. A friend a betray of trust. Murder. An evangelical Christian, Blasphemy. But really, it's set within the confines of what we are capable of imagining God might find ultimately unforgivable. But if you step back just for a moment, isn't it the repulsive notion of blasphemy that makes it easy to conclude it is something that is unforgivable? Again, within the boundaries of what we are capable of imagining based on our limited perspective and capabilities.

Is it not possible, indeed within both the realm of the fundamental idea of God's unconditional Love and His forgiveness that indeed He is capable of forgiving any and every transgression? We as humans are incapable of comprehending such capacity for forgiveness. We feed, thrive even, on the emotions we feel because we feel them utterly. Think about it... it's the one truly intangible that we give complete credence to. Everything else we see, we hear, we touch we taste. But what we feel, from an emotional standpoint, is the one thing that is... but is not. It is exactly why there tends to be so much emotion involved in Religion in general. Because it's the connection. It's the hook. It's the one thing that binds us together on that 'unseen' plane. Tap into it, deliver the payload and your golden.

Ah, but I digress. So pressing pause for just a moment on the fear based religion of our time, is it not possible that we simply can not comprehend what God is capable of doing? Is it not possible that God simply has no "unforgivable sin" on his check list? My proposition is that he indeed does not. He is simply that loving, understanding, accepting and forgiving creator that is so inconvenient for any religion to fully embrace because at the end of the day, it rarely fits all of their purposes.

Or perhaps I'm just hoping he'll forgive that one thing I did last Thursday....