Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Final day (or is it?)

I want to start by apologizing for not finishing this blog about fasting well. No excuses are worth putting here so I'll leave it at an apology.

For many of our "followers" of the post and those who are "readers" of this post, this will be the last official day of the fast.  I challenged New Day on Sunday to make today, from sun-up to sun-down (traditional Jewish), an "only liquids" fasting day. If you missed that, don't worry about it. 

I'm almost a little sad about ending today.  This fast has had it's ups and downs, but I believe that all-in-all, God is pleased and that's all that matters!  We will be doing more fasts in the future and I have decided to keep this blog going with at least one post per week. If you would like to contribute (i.e. post rather than just comment) let me know!  That would help me tremendously and I believe that you have something to say, not just me.

Today, keep Daniel chapters 9 & 10 in mind.  In Chapter 10, Daniel waited 21 days for the answer to come while he fasted and sought the Lord. His obedience to seek the Lord paid off in the form of angelic visitations and a message directly from the throne room of heaven. What are we going to receive?  I can't wait to hear from you on that one!

Not only did Daniel receive from the Lord, but those around him felt the effects, even though they couldn't see Gabriel. Your fasting and seeking the Lord these last 21 days will be felt by those around you, even if they don't see the big picture like you do!  

Jesus said, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22. Let's stand together today and tomorrow and the next and watch God's Word be fulfilled in our lives!


1 comment:

Amy Riccio said...

I just want to thank you all for allowing Nick and I to participate in this fast with you. Even though we are so far away, we feel like a part of your family, and we are.. the body of Christ.
Like I said in another comment, Nick and I will be continuing the fast through Friday because we are going to see worship leader Kim Walker and want to end with a bang. But I look forward to checking in here weekly and reading about the amazing things God is revealing to each of us because of our obedience during these 21 days.

Let's keep seeking even as we return back to our normal food habits (or maybe God has changed those for the better!!) Keep reaching for Him, longing to know Him more!