Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What's unforgivable?

I'm working on an idea for a message series and I'd like your thoughts. The base of the series would be launched from a message entitled "The Unforgivable Sin". Here's how you can help, what do you think the unforgivable sin is? Or, what sins do you think God refuses to forgive? Is there one, two, or none? Hope you post something, because I'd really like your thoughts! This could be my first internet collaborative message series!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chasing The Wild Goose

We are on the 2nd week of reading through "The Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson, as a church. Our family started chapter 2 last night "Coming out of the cage of responsibility". My favorite part of this chapter so far is the following statements. "Christ followers ought to be the most passionate people on the planet. Pursuing God-ordained passions isn't optional. It is an essential part of chasing the Wild Goose. And the adventure begins the moment we start pursuing a God-ordained passion."

So what's your "God-ordained passion"? It's ok if you don't know yet! Over the next few weeks, I believe that the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you, just be patient! If you do know what it is, then, what's holding you back? The next few weeks will reveal the cage(s) that have held you back and how to breakthrough them to begin to pursue the passion that God gave you.

What's your impression so far of the book? Leave a comment, join the conversation, chase the Wild Goose!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Together, we can!

I want to issue a challenge today. You know how we love to show God's kindness to our community in practical ways. Recently, we led two Egg Hunts in our neighborhoods and community. It was a step of faith for us to move away from the "big exciting" Texas Motor Speedway, to the "smaller, more intimate" setting of neighborhoods. It was still huge! Over 1600 people participated in our neighborhood Egg Hunts and we were able to partner with two local churches (one A/G, one baptist), a neighborhood association, and others in pulling off these "Acts of Kindness". We know that the kids and families were blessed because we got to talk to many of them. In fact, on Resurrection Sunday, we had seven visiting families! God is Good!

Now for the challenge. The Egg Hunts cost about a 1/3 of last year's budget, but we were unable to raise much in outside support for this outreach. We are already moving forward in our next outreach for Mother's Day in a little over a week. However, we still have a $600 bill that we need to pay, left over from the Egg Hunts.

In prayer, I felt that I should come to you, our New Day Family, Friends, and past supporters. The challenge was, that if only 30 individuals and families stepped forward and gave just $20, that the need would be met! 30 people is only 10% of my "friends" on facebook! Now, here's the cool part. We actually only need 28 people! Joni and I had already both committed, and in less than 24 hours of doing so, someone gave us $40 cash! I didn't tell them what we were doing, they just said the Lord told them to do it!

2 down, 28 to go for $20. Will you be one of those?

If you will be, please email me at and let me know it's on the way. You can mail it to:
New Day Church
PO Box 2116
Roanoke, Texas 76262

Or, if you prefer to give via your debit card or paypal account, then you can click here, and give securely online:

It's all tax deductible. Question. What if we go over? Then the overflow will go into upcoming outreaches and immediate needs, like Mother's Day, now that would be really exciting!!

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support.

Yours for the harvest,

Ricky Franklin
Lead Pastor
New Day Church

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Day, New Life, New Addition!

God does seems to like "new" doesn't He? The Lord has blessed us again in our foster care adventures. The same weekend the Giorgio's said goodbye to sweet Mallory, we said "hello" to Nirvanna (we're trying out "Anna" with a long "A" or Marie, her middle name). She is a 5 year old that is full of life! She also happens to be the sister of Nate, our 6 year old foster son who has been with us since September now. Speaking of Nate, many of you know he has been undergoing chemotherapy for a disease known as LCH, which is similar to cancer. The tumors have stopped growing and he has started growing! He had his last chemo treatment on Thursday, Praise God!

Anna came to us under different circumstances than Nate. Please pray with us for their mother that God will get ahold of her and rescue her. We believe in restoring these families, if possible, and we know that with God, all things are possible!

If you're counting, you realize that our five, plus Armondo, plus Nate & Anna, that means that there are eight kids in the house! Add Joni and I and it's a FULL house. The next thing you may say is, "how do they do it?". Simply, "grace". Grace is the supernatural ability to do what truth demands (John Bevere). James says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." It's the one time that religion is mentioned in a positive light in the Bible that I can find! We know that this life is not for everyone, yet, since Joni was a young girl herself, she has known that she would be involved in the life of "orphans". Yes, our "orphans" have biological parents, just not ones that are capable of raising their children at this time in their lives. Be praying with us that God will continue to pour out His grace upon our family and pray especially for Anna right now that He will reveal His love to her through our love for her.

Thanks for stopping by. If you ever would like to contribute, just send me an email to: Also, if you have a prayer request, send it to:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time Change! Spring Forward this weekend!

This Sunday is Spring Forward day!! Set your clocks FORWARD an hour before you go to sleep!! So if you go to bed at 10pm, move it to 11pm. (I gotta get in bed earlier this Saturday).

Also, we are kicking off "March Madness"! Bring your friends and family for a chance to win Dallas Maverick Tickets for your family! It's going to be a time of fun while we grow together.


Ricky Franklin
Lead Pastor
New Day Church

Monday, March 2, 2009

Esther Study

The ladies of New Day hosted 15 women today at the first Esther Bible Study! Here's the cool thing, about half aren't from New Day!! Way to go Kim (10am) and Cheryl (7pm). It's not too late to join them! However, if you plan to jump in, call Joni, Kim, or Cheryl to order a your homework book!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Facebook friends & family.

Welcome friends and family from FaceBook! Feel free to join in the conversation, leave a comment, or just say "hi". Make sure you read the missionary story a couple of posts below, it's really a powerful testimony of God's grace.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring is about to....

Winter is fading, spring is coming, change is in the air! We are about to enter into a frenzy of activity with the coming sunny days. I wanted to sort of prime the pump now that we're two months into the year and find out how you are doing on your new years resolutions, good, bad, or haven't started, it doesn't matter. The great thing about Jesus is that everyday is a new day with Him! (no cliche intended).

Also, I would like to open up this blog for contributers. If you would like to occasionally add (or frequently) to this blog, please email me at, and I'll set you up! I'm looking for thoughts and encouraging words that others could benefit from who stop by our blog.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Story of God's protection and grace from our missionary

I just got off the phone with our missionary to India, other sensitive nations, and now the border of Bangladesh.  He told me a story that shows God's love for His people and what He is willing to do for those who are called according to His purposes. He was in a service with new believers near the border of Bangladesh. Some children came running in saying "the elephants are coming, the elephants are coming!" Elephants are known to travel in herds of 50-70 and trample anything, including buildings and people, when they stampede. Bro. missionary came out to see, indeed, a large herd of elephants coming toward the village, their property, and headed straight for the church.  He said there is no way to outrun the elephants once they are stampeding. The church began to pray and Bro. (missionary) commanded the elephants to stop in the name of Jesus.  The herd stopped about 50-80 feet from where the congregation was gathered, at the border of their property! He said that they stayed for about 10 -15 minutes and it was very tense as they prayed. Soon the elephants, for no "apparent" reason turned and went around the property and headed down stream to another village.  They heard reports the next day that that herd traveled down the stream and pulverized a small hindu temple!  Here's the really interesting part.  That temple was a place that worshipped ELEPHANTS as their gods!!  Bro. (Missionary) said that while they don't rejoice in the loss of life or destruction of property, they realized the power of God over creation and how He protects His children. The believers have organized an outreach to that other village to show them the love of God!!

(Missionary) exemplifies who I want to be in our community.  A beacon of love and grace, demonstrating the power of God as well as the compassion of God to those around us.

Pray for (Missionary).  He has been ministering in India, other nations, and near the border of Bangladesh since October, and just arrived home last week. They planted six churches and have seen over 350 people come to know the Lord in that time.  Since he has been gone the last week, some of the believers planned a dinner, invited unbelievers over and saw another 45 come to the Lord!!  They have asked him to come back to disciple these new believers and he is headed back next week again!

Having (Missionary) in our lives has brought joy and humility. We continue to pray for him, his family, and support the work of the ministry, while asking God to do the same among us.

*(Missionary)'s name and some locations have been removed due to the sensitive nature of his mission.*

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Final day (or is it?)

I want to start by apologizing for not finishing this blog about fasting well. No excuses are worth putting here so I'll leave it at an apology.

For many of our "followers" of the post and those who are "readers" of this post, this will be the last official day of the fast.  I challenged New Day on Sunday to make today, from sun-up to sun-down (traditional Jewish), an "only liquids" fasting day. If you missed that, don't worry about it. 

I'm almost a little sad about ending today.  This fast has had it's ups and downs, but I believe that all-in-all, God is pleased and that's all that matters!  We will be doing more fasts in the future and I have decided to keep this blog going with at least one post per week. If you would like to contribute (i.e. post rather than just comment) let me know!  That would help me tremendously and I believe that you have something to say, not just me.

Today, keep Daniel chapters 9 & 10 in mind.  In Chapter 10, Daniel waited 21 days for the answer to come while he fasted and sought the Lord. His obedience to seek the Lord paid off in the form of angelic visitations and a message directly from the throne room of heaven. What are we going to receive?  I can't wait to hear from you on that one!

Not only did Daniel receive from the Lord, but those around him felt the effects, even though they couldn't see Gabriel. Your fasting and seeking the Lord these last 21 days will be felt by those around you, even if they don't see the big picture like you do!  

Jesus said, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22. Let's stand together today and tomorrow and the next and watch God's Word be fulfilled in our lives!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15 from Joni

One thing not to do: (this is Joni by the way) I was so hungry for something dessert like...I microwaved a banana with a bunch of that organic peanut butter with honey on top. My thinking was the peanut butter would melt and mix with the honey to make a nice topping for the banana. I don't suggest trying this. Something very strange happened to the banana, the peanut butter never melted and I think the honey evaporated. That's what I get for thinking dessert. Gotta go. Ricky will probably freak when he sees that there is only a tiny bit of his crushed peanuts left!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Sunday- what a great day today. The presence of the Lord was so awesome today!  I know that when we set our hearts on pilgrimage, the Lord rewards us!  He said He would go with us and He is.

We went to Jason's Deli (a DF's dream salad bar) with some friends today and we talked about how that there are hard days, but it's harder to believe that we've already been going 11 days.  We also talked about how it seems that it's easier to "hear" the voice of the Lord during this time. Are you finding the voice of the Lord clearer?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sunday's Video- 2008 Review.

This is from Sunday, January 4th. Enjoy!

Day 8

I want to share with you something from the journal I'm using for our fast:
"Can you imagine what it must have been like to Adam or Eve, walking with our glorious God in the peace of the garden? Tragedy of tragedies-they chose to give up that glorious place for something to eat! Fasting prepares the way for God to communicate clearly with you, to give you fresh revelations, fresh visions, and clear purpose. You are already past the seventh day. Do not grow weary. Stay the course; finish the race. An incredible reward awaits you on the other side."

As I was reading Jentezen's words, the thought came to me that this fast is more than about you and me.  It's more than just us getting closer to God for ourselves and seeing miracles in our own lives, although that WILL HAPPEN!  Yet, this fast is also about others. The reward will be to see others that we know, or will come to know this year, who have been affected because of our willingness to fast and pray.

"Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops." James 5:17 

Were those crops just for Elijah?  I don't think so.  Elijah's obedience and sacrifice caused others to be motivated to serve God, caused weather patterns to change, and caused God's blessing to rain down on the earth, producing relief for a drought stricken nation.

Question: Who's going to be blessed by your obedience?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 (or 3 for some)

Whether you're doing the Daniel Fast (DF), a full fast, or fasting a specific item or activity, we have to remember that it's more about Him than it is about us!  In the early days of our fasting, it's so easy to get distracted by the action itself of denying ourselves. However, we need to focus on what we're gaining as well! I would encourage you to read the comments on Day Two from Amy Riccio about her testimony on day 5. Let's rejoice in what God is doing and look forward to what He is about to do. Share your testimonies along the way as well.

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6) Fasting helps separate what we want from what we need. It causes us to focus on the things that matter instead of the things that distract.

Practical Stuff for Daniel Fasters

I know, it's been a few days since I last posted, but I've been scavenging my pantry and fridge for something to eat!! Seriously, I wanted to put this short post in to open up the discussion for those of us on the Daniel Fast. Others are doing various types of fasting, which I am so grateful for. 

For DF's I found a treasure yesterday. I LOVE peanut butter, it's my weakness. Peter Pan Crunchy on Mrs. Baird's White Loaf w/ apricot preserves is my downfall. Joni went to the Grocery store last night and came home with a prize: Smuckers Organic Peanut Butter!  For even the most strict Daniel Fasters, here's the ingredients: peanuts, less than 1% salt. Isn't that awesome!! It tastes just like the ingredients say, but it's so good with bananas or just from the spoon.

If you have a recipe, a good alternative, or a good find, let us know by commenting to this post!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day Two

Happy New Year!  I didn't realize just how addicted to sugar and sweets and meat I was until last evening when my head felt like it was about to explode from the overload of the "Holidaze"!  Usually, you start feeling the physical effects of withdrawl in a fast about day 2 or 3, but I guess I overdid it on New Years Eve. I hope you're faring better than I.

I wanted to remind you at the beginning that it's easy to get focused right now on what you "can and can't" eat or drink. According to Isaiah 58, it's not as much about the food as it is about the heart. Taken to extremes, you can say, "I don't even need to fast!", but the real matter is that you are denying yourself something because you want something else more.  What is that something else?  That's between you and Jesus. However, the "something" we all need to have at the heart of our fast is to be close to HIM.  I want to say with the Psalmist:

"O God, You are my God; 
Early (in this year) will I seek You; 
My soul thirsts for You; 
My flesh longs for You 
In a dry and thirsty land 
Where there is no water." 
Psalm 63:1

Let us see breakthrough in our own hearts as well as in our families, our churches, and our neighborhoods.

For more basic information on the Daniel Fast, click HERE to go to Jentezen Franklin's web page on the subject.

The Daniel Fast

Welcome to the official blog of New Day Church's 21-day Daniel Fast.  If you are reading this, it's probably because you have chosen to set your heart with ours towards Jesus at the beginning of 2009. If you haven't yet decided, I only have one question for you, "What have you got to lose?" Well, I'm hoping to lose a lot more than a few flabby pounds. I want to lose my pride, my self-centeredness, and a few other things along the way! Let's lose some stuff together. How about it?

The purpose of this blog is to provide encouragement and a place to share prayer requests as well as answers to prayer. So I'm counting on you to post comments on your progress and share with others, who you may not even know, about what God is doing in your life during this next 21 days. I'll do my best to post every 1-2 days a verse or comment from Jentezen Franklin's fasting journal, or just to tell you how Joni and I are doing on our fasting journey.

I look forward to seeing the breakthrough that Isaiah 58 promises when we set our hearts to fast and pray and do righteous acts along the way.
