Friday, January 2, 2009

Day Two

Happy New Year!  I didn't realize just how addicted to sugar and sweets and meat I was until last evening when my head felt like it was about to explode from the overload of the "Holidaze"!  Usually, you start feeling the physical effects of withdrawl in a fast about day 2 or 3, but I guess I overdid it on New Years Eve. I hope you're faring better than I.

I wanted to remind you at the beginning that it's easy to get focused right now on what you "can and can't" eat or drink. According to Isaiah 58, it's not as much about the food as it is about the heart. Taken to extremes, you can say, "I don't even need to fast!", but the real matter is that you are denying yourself something because you want something else more.  What is that something else?  That's between you and Jesus. However, the "something" we all need to have at the heart of our fast is to be close to HIM.  I want to say with the Psalmist:

"O God, You are my God; 
Early (in this year) will I seek You; 
My soul thirsts for You; 
My flesh longs for You 
In a dry and thirsty land 
Where there is no water." 
Psalm 63:1

Let us see breakthrough in our own hearts as well as in our families, our churches, and our neighborhoods.

For more basic information on the Daniel Fast, click HERE to go to Jentezen Franklin's web page on the subject.


Amy Riccio said...

Hi fellow fasters! We are just checking in here for the first time and we're excited about 2009! We probably don't know any of you, but Nick and I would like to join you as we pray for your church, and for direction in our lives. We have felt for the past few years that we haven't really had any direction. We are seeking God, but are kind of at a standstill in life. We want to be closer to Him, to know His heart, and just for God and His kingdom to be more real to us than even the world we live in. We are confident that as we know Him more and more, we will get some sense of direction for our lives.

Fast is going well so far. I am doing the Daniel Fast and Nick is doing the all liquid fast.

-Nick and Amy Riccio

Kim Masengale said...

I found a very helpful blog with cookbooks, etc. for the Daniel Fast...
We are praying and believing for breakthrough and direction for us all.

Amy Riccio said...

It's Day 5 here, and we have an awesome praise report to share. We are already seeing God's favor here! I (amy) have had jaw problems my whole life. The dentist that I have seen for the past 8 years has watched my jaw grow progressively worse and just recently has let me know I really needed to do some work on my teeth in order to alleviate some of the terrible symptoms I've been having. I made an appointment for this morning (January 5th) but found out that my insurance won't cover any of the work, which is going to cost about $800! Money is very tight for us right now, so I called the dentist back this morning to cancel my appointment until we could save up enough money to pay to get the work done. Well, the dentist called back soon afterward and said that he knows I have been having problems for such a long time, and since we have been going to their office for nearly 10 years, that he wants to do all the work I need FOR FREE!?! The receptionist couldn't believe it, and says that he NEVER does this. She said sometimes he will give people a discount, but she never sees him just waive the free and work for free!! I am just amazed at God's goodness and favor. Now, I am trying to think of an awesome way to thank the dentist and show God's love to Him as well.