Friday, January 23, 2009

Story of God's protection and grace from our missionary

I just got off the phone with our missionary to India, other sensitive nations, and now the border of Bangladesh.  He told me a story that shows God's love for His people and what He is willing to do for those who are called according to His purposes. He was in a service with new believers near the border of Bangladesh. Some children came running in saying "the elephants are coming, the elephants are coming!" Elephants are known to travel in herds of 50-70 and trample anything, including buildings and people, when they stampede. Bro. missionary came out to see, indeed, a large herd of elephants coming toward the village, their property, and headed straight for the church.  He said there is no way to outrun the elephants once they are stampeding. The church began to pray and Bro. (missionary) commanded the elephants to stop in the name of Jesus.  The herd stopped about 50-80 feet from where the congregation was gathered, at the border of their property! He said that they stayed for about 10 -15 minutes and it was very tense as they prayed. Soon the elephants, for no "apparent" reason turned and went around the property and headed down stream to another village.  They heard reports the next day that that herd traveled down the stream and pulverized a small hindu temple!  Here's the really interesting part.  That temple was a place that worshipped ELEPHANTS as their gods!!  Bro. (Missionary) said that while they don't rejoice in the loss of life or destruction of property, they realized the power of God over creation and how He protects His children. The believers have organized an outreach to that other village to show them the love of God!!

(Missionary) exemplifies who I want to be in our community.  A beacon of love and grace, demonstrating the power of God as well as the compassion of God to those around us.

Pray for (Missionary).  He has been ministering in India, other nations, and near the border of Bangladesh since October, and just arrived home last week. They planted six churches and have seen over 350 people come to know the Lord in that time.  Since he has been gone the last week, some of the believers planned a dinner, invited unbelievers over and saw another 45 come to the Lord!!  They have asked him to come back to disciple these new believers and he is headed back next week again!

Having (Missionary) in our lives has brought joy and humility. We continue to pray for him, his family, and support the work of the ministry, while asking God to do the same among us.

*(Missionary)'s name and some locations have been removed due to the sensitive nature of his mission.*


Sasha Greene said...
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Shea Greene said...

I shared this experienced with the my Boss and he was so moved by the story that he told it to his Mother, Friends, and Pastor.

Sasha Greene said...

AWESOME. AWESOME. AWESOME. Shea and I never fail to be extremely moved by this man and his testimonies! Hearing about his life's work constantly pierces us to our core and we are so thrilled to be a part of supporting his ministry!! Thank you very much for sharing this incredible (but not surprising coming from him!) story. God is so good!!!!

Amy Riccio said...

THat is such an awesome story, and I believe it!! God is amazing!!